The Kwinana Cobalt Refinery aims to manufacture and export battery-grade cobalt that addresses an emerging, global critical minerals shortfall.
Cobalt Blue’s strategy is to develop the Kwinana Cobalt Refinery to process critical battery metals from 3rd party feedstock and Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP) from the Broken Hill Cobalt Project.
Cobalt Blue intends to expand the Kwinana Cobalt Refinery further to produce cobalt and potentially other metal intermediates from future ReMine+ projects.
Advantages to the Kwinana location
Access to import and export markets
Kwinana has deep water ports and export facilities. Cobalt sulphate is a fragile product that absorbs water (particularly in hot/humid regional conditions) if left exposed and requires specialised storage and shipping.
Direct port access provides a meaningful advantage compared to a more remote location - for importing third-party feedstock for refining and exporting product.

Cost advantage
Kwinana is a major chemicals district. Typically, up to 60-70% of the costs associated with conversion from Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP) to cobalt sulphate come from reagent and chemical costs. This location provides more ready access to chemicals with lower associated logistical costs.
Integrated business
Refining is fundamentally an economy of scale business. A single, larger refinery would allow Cobalt Blue to process future material sourced from:
- Third party sources, domestic and international
- Broken Hill Cobalt Project and (in future) other Cobalt Blue owned cobalt projects
- ReMine+, rather than build individual chemical refineries at mine sites dispersed through Australia.
- New Australian mining projects (typically nickel/cobalt producers) that wish to enter the battery production chain. The Cobalt-Nickel Refinery will become a gateway for battery grade Australian cobalt chemicals into global production chains.
Globally sourced materials will likely qualify for significant United States and other government financial incentives if processed via an approved country.

Staged Development of a Globally Significant Cobalt Refinery

Global battery-grade cobalt sulphate capacity, 2027 (Kt Co)
A cobalt refinery of this scale is globally significant.
In addition to cobalt, we are planning on processing nickel in the refinery. This would be sold as nickel sulphate crystals.
Cobalt Blue aims to become the largest producer of battery-grade cobalt outside of China.

Source: Benchmark Minerals