The Broken Hill Community
Community first
From the outset, the Broken Hill people have welcomed the Broken Hill Cobalt Project and shown solid support for the lifeline it provides to the future.
Not only will the Broken Hill Cobalt Project be large, but it will also be a long-life operation. We expect a project life of more than 20 years. That’s a generation of employment, for somewhere in the region of 400 workers. All of these, we aim to employ locally and avoid Fly-(n-Fly-Out (FIFO) workers wherever possible.
What’s more, those we can’t recruit from within the community, we want to recruit into the community. This means bringing entire families to Broken Hill – which means new housing, new opportunities for skills and training, and new demand for business, services and amenities.
Community news

Broken Hill Cobalt Project: AFL Broken Hill Club and Club Person of the Year 2023

ABC Radio Interview: Cobalt Blue Holdings Investment Relations/Commercial Manager discusses the ‘big picture’ for cobalt demand globally and the local perspective of the Broken Hill Cobalt Project.

Mining Careers On Show at the Broken Hill Careers Expo

Cobalt Blue Board Re-Visit Broken Hill, May 2023

Cobalt Blue Holdings (COB) hosts a morning tea for charity Beyond Blue

Broken Hill Community Open Day, 25th May 2023

Giving thanks to NSW SES Volunteers and our own Cody Johnston

Family Fun at the Broken Hill Science Fair for Curious Minds

Supporting the RFDS Women’s Auxiliary

Christmas arrives in Broken Hill, December 2022

Foundation Broken Hill Visits the Demonstration Plant

Roy Butler MP Visits Pyrite Hill, October 2022

Broken Hill Cobalt Project AFL Club of the Year
Strengthening the Broken Hill Cobalt Project Leadership Team
Sowing the seeds in community: Cobalt Blue supports disability services in Broken Hill

Lights, camera, action! Broken Hill Cobalt Project goes to the movies

St Pat's Races 2022

Media Release: Cobalt Blue Attends Landmark Meeting with Korean President to Discuss Ethical Supply of Cobalt

COB & BHCP National SafeWork Month - October 2021
Our commitment
Broken Hill is Australia’s longest-lived mining city and home to one of its most resilient mining communities.
Our vision
To build enduring relationships with the Broken Hill community, characterised by mutual commitment, openness, and shared respect.
Our objectives
To maintain a flow of communication that INFORMS the Broken Hill community about the mining of Cobalt and its value for the future.
To CONSULT in order to better understand what is important to the community.
To INVOLVE stakeholders in identifying issues and opportunities facing the community.
To COLLABORATE on projects that enhance the economic prosperity and social wellbeing of the community.
To EMPOWER the community through contributing towards employment, education, wellbeing, social vibrancy and economic diversification.
Our commitment
The Broken Hill Cobalt Project will be based on sustainable principles and best practice management for water, waste, and biodiversity.
We will work with the Broken Hill community and other stakeholders.
Our priority will be to employ locals and purchase locally wherever we can. We will invest wherever possible in developing local skills and training.
We aim to be here for the long haul – providing jobs and economic prosperity for the Broken Hill region, aligned to a green and sustainable future.
That’s why we’ve called this the Broken Hill Cobalt Project.
Broken Hill has a proud history of mining and innovation. Let’s work together to make history all over again.
Let’s take Broken Hill Cobalt to the World.
As an employer of some 29 families, it is refreshing to see this community-mindedness with the view of supporting local
Mark Grundy, Far West Auto
Foundation Broken Hill is proud to be partnering Cobalt Blue to identify and establish a sustainable future for a city that has always given so much for their community and our nation as a whole.
John Lynch OAM, Chairman Foundation Broken Hill
The momentum generated by Cobalt Blue is a massive positive for Broken Hill and the surrounding region. Our goal is for Broken Hill to be at the forefront of the renewable energy and energy storage industries, and the Broken Hill Cobalt Project will be a key factor in realising this vision for the city.
Mayor Tom Kennedy, Broken Hill City Council

Book a tour of the Demonstration Plant
Located in Broken Hill, we are able to host tour groups for site visits to our innovative processing plant. To find out more, contact us.

How to become a supplier
We are proud to be supported by a network of suppliers and service providers who know the mining, building and industrial game locally and are assisting us in meeting our demanding timelines.

Careers at Cobalt Blue
Wherever possible, we will be looking local to attract, develop and retain a local workforce.