This event is held annually to provide community leaders, key suppliers, and other invited parties with an update on the progress being made at the Broken Hill Cobalt Project.
In attendance were Mayor Tom Kennedy, Councillors, and senior managers from Broken Hill City Council; Foundation Broken Hill; ‘key’ suppliers; training, education, and recruitment representatives; and local business owners.
Presentations were provided by:
- Adam Randall, Demonstration Plant Manager
- Dr Bruce Blunden, Approvals Manager
- Joel Crane, Investor/Commercial Relations Manager

Cobalt Blue CEO, Joe Kaderavek, wrapped-up the event, providing a perspective of what lays ahead for the Broken Hill Cobalt Project, and reinforcing the importance of the relationship with Broken Hill.
“At this annual event we provide community leaders with updates on the Broken Hill Cobalt Project, and this year we discussed the significant local progress that’s been made at our Pyrite Hill and Kanandah Road sites, and provided information on the global prospects for cobalt as a critical mineral in demand” said Communications and Engagement Manager, Andrea Roberts. “Every year the progress being made at the Demonstration Plant is welcomed warmly by locals, as it heralds positive opportunity for the City”.
“There are other events held throughout the calendar year that provide touchpoints for the Broken Hill community to meet our team, visit the Demonstration Plant, ask questions, and receive information about the Project” said Andrea. “While we aim to keep the community informed, we also openly welcome and truly value a two-way exchange of questions, input and information at these events”.