Cobalt Refinery Development Program
In conjunction with the DFS, COB has launched a Refinery Development Program for a cobalt sulphate refinery in Kwinana, Western Australia. The Program contains two primary components:
- An engineering cost estimate to assess the economic merits of building and operating a plant to process a minimum of 3,000 tpa cobalt (target), with expansion to 7,500 tpa cobalt /nickel when BHCP feedstock is available.
- A raw materials testing program to trial up to 5 tonne samples from third-party suppliers. Samples would typically be cobalt hydroxide or cobalt-nickel hydroxide or other intermediates from existing operations.
COB Mine to Battery Grade Market Model
COB is advancing a mine to battery grade market model. This is comprised of a mine in Broken Hill, New South Wales feeding into a refinery to be built in Kwinana, West Australia. The refinery can also process third-party materials as well as cobalt and other metals from waste stream projects (mining waste generating recycled metals). The refinery is then further scalable over time.

Cobalt Blue Sulphate Refinery and NCM Precursor Strategies