Queensland Acid Supply Shortage: Cobalt Blue Technology Offers Potential Solution

Cobalt Blue offers a potential solution to the looming sulphuric acid supply shortage in Queensland, as included in the Queensland Government’s recent ‘Acid Supply Study’ for the North West Minerals Province.

Our innovative technology offers an alternative solution for producing high-purity elemental sulphur, a key component in sulphuric acid production. This technology aligns perfectly with the Queensland Government’s call for alternative acid production methods in the wake of the Mt Isa Copper Smelter closure.

Key Points:

  • Cobalt Blue’s technology generates elemental sulphur as a valuable by-product during its metal extraction process.
  • The Queensland Government’s report identifies a hybrid approach combining our sulphur production with a sulphur burning acid plant as a possible solution.
  • This method allows for direct production of sulphur prill from pyrite feedstocks, addressing the impending acid shortage.
  • Dr. Helen Degeling, who leads our ReMine Plus initiative focused on repurposing mine waste, welcomes the Government’s recognition of this technology's potential.


  • Our process not only recovers valuable minerals like cobalt but also transforms harmful sulphur into a marketable commodity.
  • This presents a win-win for the environment and the economy, promoting resource recovery and a more sustainable critical minerals supply chain.
  • Cobalt Blue’s technology offers an Australian solution to this critical national challenge.


Andrea Roberts

email: andrea.roberts@cobaltblueholdings.com


COB Media Release - 7 August 2024 Download PDF